Click to open up video chat and accept call';var jchat_trigger_send='Click to send a message';var jchat_trigger_geolocation='Open the location map';var jchat_trigger_blackboard='Open the blackboard';var jchat_search='Search';var jchat_invite='Invite to public chat ';var jchat_pending='Pending request ';var jchat_remove='Remove from public chat ';var jchat_userprofile_link='Open user profile link';var jchat_you='You: ';var jchat_me='Me: ';var jchat_seen='Seen';var jchat_banning='Ban user';var jchat_banneduser='You have been banned by this user';var jchat_ban_moderator='Ban and block user permanently';var jchat_startskypecall='
Start Skype call
Require Skype installed on your device';var jchat_startskypedownload='
You must install Skype to start video call. Click to download.';var jchat_insert_skypeid='Insert Skype ID';var jchat_skypeidsaved='Your Skype ID \'%s\' has been saved';var jchat_skypeid_deleted='Your Skype ID has been deleted';var jchat_roomname='';var jchat_roomcount='';var jchat_available_rooms='Available rooms';var jchat_chatroom_users='Users:';var jchat_chatroom_join='Join';var jchat_chatroom_joined='Joined';var jchat_users_inchatroom='Joined users';var jchat_noavailable_rooms='No available rooms';var jchat_chatroom='Room:';var jchat_addnew_chatroom='Add new chatroom';var jchat_chatroomform_name='Name';var jchat_chatroomform_description='Description';var jchat_chatroomform_accesslevel='Access level';var jchat_chatroomform_submit='Save and close';var jchat_success_storing_chatroom='Chatroom created successfully';var jchat_success_deleting_chatroom='Chatroom deleted successfully';var jchat_insert_override_name='Set custom name';var jchat_trigger_override_name='Save custom name';var jchat_override_name_saved='Your custom name \'%s\' has been saved';var jchat_override_name_deleted='Your custom name has been deleted';var jchat_select_period='Select period:';var jchat_nomessages_available='No messages available for the selected period';var jchat_period_1d='1 day';var jchat_period_1w='1 week';var jchat_period_1m='1 month';var jchat_period_3m='3 months';var jchat_period_6m='6 months';var jchat_period_1y='1 year';var jchat_skype='Set your Skype ID or Microsoft Live assigned Skype ID. In the case that you have a Microsoft Live account and an auto generated Skype ID you need to set it in the full format live:yourskypeid';var jchat_newmessage_tab=' sent you a new message!';var jchat_start_call='Start call';var jchat_accept_call='Accept call';var jchat_decline_call='Decline call';var jchat_end_call='End call';var jchat_call_starting='Starting call, please wait...';var jchat_call_started='Call started successfully';var jchat_call_disconnected='Connection lost';var jchat_incoming_started='Incoming call, click to answer';var jchat_connecting='Connecting, please wait...';var jchat_missing_local_stream='Error, local video stream missing';var jchat_closing_connection='Closing connection please wait...';var jchat_connection_closed='Connection closed';var jchat_connection_active='Connection active';var jchat_error_creating_connection='Error creating peer connection';var jchat_session_error='Error creating peer session';var jchat_connection_close_error='Error closing connection on server';var jchat_connection_failed='Peer-to-peer net connection failed, please try again';var jchat_webrtc_videochat='Video chat';var jchat_webcam='Webcam';var jchat_webcam_quality='Quality/Cam ';var jchat_webrtc_bandwidth='Bandwidth: ';var jchat_webrtc_recorder_local='Local video';var jchat_webrtc_recorder_remote='Remote video';var jchat_webrtc_recorder_both='Both videos';var jchat_mediastream_error='The webcam/mic can\'t be activated, settings not supported. The webcam/mic could be used by another application, missing, disabled, or the website could miss an https SSL certificate';var jchat_requires_https='An error occurred during the access to the webcam and mic. Ensure that the webcam is not used by other applications and that the https protocol is installed on the website in order to allow webcam access for users';var jchat_noanswer='No answer, call ended';var jchat_webrtc_nosupport='Your browser has no support for HTML5 Peer-to-Peer technology, check this table and update your browser.';var jchat_chrome_webrtc_support='Chrome version 23 and later supports HTML5 peer-to-peer technology';var jchat_firefox_webrtc_support='Firefox version 22 and later supports HTML5 peer-to-peer technology';var jchat_opera_webrtc_support='Opera version 18 and later supports HTML5 peer-to-peer technology';var jchat_ie_webrtc_support='Microsoft IE/Edge still lacks support for HTML5 peer-to-peer technology';var jchat_safari_webrtc_support='Safari and iOS devices still lack support for HTML5 peer-to-peer technology';var jchat_webrtc_caniuse='Visit this link for more informations:';var jchat_nowebcam_detected='No available webcam detected';var jchat_grant_cam_access='Allow the browser to access your camera and microphone to start and receive calls';var jchat_quality_cam='Change media quality';var jchat_onoffswitch='Toggle local camera';var jchat_endcall_before_close='End the call before closing the chatbox popup';var jchat_endcall_totoggle_popups='End the current call to toggle videochat popups';var jchat_hardware_unavailable='Webcam not available, it could be missing, blocked or used by another application';var jchat_webrtc_notification_ringing='New call coming up! Open up video chat to answer';var jchat_newvideocall_tab='New call coming up!';var jchat_fallback_suggestion='Click here to open and start the chat now';var jchat_expired_msg='
Since 1982, at the service of Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs)
The Services category covers news and analysis related to service-based industries, including discussions of customer service, hospitality, healthcare, and professional services.
Donec quam felis, ultricies nec, pellentesque eu, pretium quis, sem. Nulla consequat massa quis enim. Donec pede justo, fringilla vel, aliquet nec, vulputate eget, arcu.
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